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Women in Leadership Roles

Being a female in the 21st century comes with a huge responsibility, not only to ourselves but also to the collective.

For years, women have been stigmatized and even forced to fit certain roles and in many cases not be welcomed to be part of other ones.

Before the first world war, women were traditionally guided by domestic responsibilities. We were not allowed to be hired in jobs like teaching (and if so were only paid one-third of men’s salary), become a politician, a lawyer, a news reporter, be a mature female model, or an active member of the military. Women were rarely admitted into universities, and if they managed to be accepted and pass every test, they were often still banned from actually practicing. We were deprived of having a voice and opinions of our own and deprived of choosing what we wanted to be professionally and personally.

With the rise of various women’s activist organizations around the world, more women were finding their voices and speaking out for change, shifting gender dynamics as they entered the workplace. This is particularly true for the supply chain and logistics industry; one largely dominated by men. Gladly the numbers on gender gaps in this industry have changed quite a bit. Women have caused a worldwide impact as innovators, thought leaders, and trailblazers within the supply chain industry.  As statistics show about 39% of full-time employees in a supply chain role are female.

Knowing that everyday women are fulfilling their dreams, passions, and aspirations is a way to demonstrate that we have to keep believing and supporting one another. As a mature, female, leader, and CEO of a company in the logistics industry, I can firmly say that achieving this goal has been both a challenge and a blessing. The road to becoming a leading woman-owned 3rd party logistics company is far from over as there is a lot to work on regarding gender dynamics, but it is a road worth traveling. Let’s keep being passionate about our pursuits and let’s foster diversity, equity, and inclusion in the workplace.